Monday, September 1, 2008

Pandora's Box

The reason it takes me as long as it does to finish homework is that I am always switching what music I listen to.

Solution: Pandora Radio.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Unaccustomed Earth

I recently finished Unaccustomed Earth by Juhmpa Lahiri and was captured by the eight stories she has put together in this book. Here's a review in the NY Times. The review seemed to have even made it better in retrospect.

"Lahiri handles her characters without leaving any fingerprints. She allows them to grow as if unguided, as if she were accompanying them rather than training them through the espalier of her narration. Reading her stories is like watching time-lapse nature videos of different plants, each with its own inherent growth cycle, breaking through the soil, spreading into bloom or collapsing back to earth."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

inflatable art

Probably one of the more unique pieces I've heard of escaping from a museum...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Now it may be a while before I can afford even one garment from this company (maybe I'll get one of their "Mogul Hats"), but a purchase of Icebreaker clothes seem to have a pretty unique bonus. Apparently when you buy something, this piece comes with a particular "Baacode," Once you have that, you can type it in on their website and follow your garment all the way to which sheep the cotton came from. I'll explore more once I save my pennies for that sweet hat.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Critical Mass of One

A post by Bike Snob NYC highlighted a video of a police officer pushing a Critical Mass-er off of his bike. Though the video doesn't provide what happened before this, it still seems to be an unnecessary action. However, BSNYC did provide this:

"People do need to see other people out there on bikes. They need to become accustomed to them so they learn to respect them, and they need to see how practical and effective they can be so they consider riding them themselves. Many cyclists illustrate this day after day, not only by riding their bikes to and from work during rush-hour but also by using them for recreation and even racing on them. A driver who sees you zip past as you ride your bike to work, and then sees you riding your bike to dinner later with a date, and then sees you going for a road ride that weekend doesn't realize he's seen only one rider—as far as he knows he's seen a bunch of riders, and he sees them using their bikes successfully. Effectively, you’re a Critical Mass of one."

I couldn't have put it better myself.